
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Jamaica, Mahn - Day 2 - Paradise Lost

Norman Manley International Airport, Jamaica

And so our brief time in this little piece of paradise has come to an end.  In 24 hours, I will be at the cigar store, telling my friends about an amazing trip, in stark contrast to my mood of last night.  It is amazing how 8 hours of sleep in a real bed, a cool breeze, and some shade can work as such a panacea.  I will be back to my daily life in New York, probably not leaving the island of Manhattan until Thanksgiving.  Our jovial driver for the day kept telling us all the things to do the next time we came here.  We smiled and nodded along.  There will be no next time, not here, or at least not for quite some time, not the way I travel.  There are too many islands in the Caribbean, the South Pacific, the Mediterranean, and all around the world.  There are too many other wonderful places in the world to visit.  It will be a long time before I return to this particular paradise.

We allowed ourselves to sleep in, not getting down to breakfast until after 10 AM, and we were a little worried that we were too late.  We were not.  After a delicious breakfast consisting of fruit, coffee, eggs, and jerk sausage, we went back to the room to relax, and I smoked my last H. Upman.  We got a taxi to take us to Fort Clarence and got some fried fish and lobster.  Our driver was all too happy to show us around Kingston, including stopping somewhere for me to get some Blue Mountain Coffee.  I lit up my OpusX, and we worked on the rest of the rum as we ate our meal.

After the meal, I finally allowed myself to relax.  It was not too hot, and I had nothing in the world to bother me.  Gone were the stresses of work, the typical stresses of travelling, my worries, everything was gone.  I was in paradise with someone whom I loved very dearly and one of my closest friends.  Nothing else mattered.  As I saw her frolicking in the ocean, I remembered the vision I had of Fiji a few months ago, and, for the first time in six weeks (the night we planned this trip), I was truly happy.  Yes, reader, there have been plenty of things in my life I have been happy about, and I have thoroughly enjoyed almost my entire life, but that is not what I mean.  What I mean is that I was purely happy with not another thought on my mind.  I have a very active mind, and it is so rare that I can shut off the rest of my mind to focus on one emotion like that.  There is always some negative emotion or stress or worry permeating my mind.  At that moment, there was not.  Or I am checking my messages or Facebook or Instagram.  My phone was in my pocket the whole time.  We were in paradise.

I soon came back to reality, realizing we would be leaving in a few hours.  Sure, we would be going to Florida in few a weeks, and there would be plenty of great trips in our future.  After my OpusX, I joined her in the water, getting my feet wet.  That was when she splashed me.  At that moment, I remembered exactly why I wanted to start dating one of my closest friends.  We started splashing each other, and I didn’t care that my clothes or the things in my pockets were getting wet.  I was happy again, nothing else was on my mind, but the water soon started to bother me, so I left.  I moved my towel into the sun to be next to hers.  I lit up a Cohiba, and I dried off.

After the cigar, it was time for us to leave, and our driver took us back to our hotel.  I washed my feet and changed into my suit.  The driver took us to Port Royal, a place I knew very well from Pirates of the Caribbean, and we saw the remnants.  We could have stayed longer, but I was nervous about getting to the airport with enough time to write this entry.  We got some coffee to drink, checked in, went through security with minimal problems.  They made her deflate the soccer ball she bought for her cousin, and they almost took away the bottle of rum that I had filled with sand at the beach.  I got three bottles of rum at duty-free, and then we found some seats.  I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close since our flight is about to board.

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