
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Yucatan 2016: The Experience - Day 0 - New Friends

“Yucatan 2016: The Experience”

1/15/16, “New Friends”
John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York (JFK)

The theme of finding the familiar within the unfamiliar and experiencing the unfamiliar within the familiar returns once more.  For the fourth time in three years I find myself sitting at Kennedy Airport waiting to fly to Mexico.  However, it’s all different this time.  I am not in my familiar Terminal 4 awaiting my familiar late night Aeromexico flight to Mexico City.  I am not meeting my old friend Enrique.  No, instead, I am in Terminal 8, awaiting an unfamiliar American Airlines flight direct to Cancun.  Instead, I am meeting my new friend Roberto.  We will travel together to visit six WHS in the Yucatan.

It will be very different from my previous three trips to Mexico.  He will be my guide, but he is not a paid guide.  He is a friend.  We met in the most unusual way, a manner only possible in today’s modern world.  We met through Instagram.  I mentioned him during my last trip to Mexico.  He saw my WHS posts on Instagram, and we started talking about them.  One thing led to another, and we planned this trip together.  I did not actually expect it to happen, but now it is.  In about five hours I will be landing in Cancun, and we will begin our journey together.  It will be a fast-paced, fun, and exciting journey together, a trip rather dissimilar from any previous trip I have ever taken, but also familiar in so many ways.  We are soon boarding, so I will now close so that I can begin that journey.’’

Aboard American Airlines 1434, En route JFK-CUN

Perhaps skipping lunch today was not the best idea.  It seems I always get in trouble at work whenever I skip lunch.  It has been a wildly interesting Day 0, far more interesting than a Day 0 has any right to be.  Of course, all of it is so familiar once more.  I had no idea how I wanted to start this morning.  I needed to pack surely, yes.  I needed to shave and shower, too.  I also wanted to go to Good Morning America in an attempt to get Michael Bay’s autograph.  I should have started that process at 7:30 AM or maybe even earlier.  It was 8:30 AM when I got out of bed (out of bed, not awake).  No chance of the Michael Bay autograph, barely enough time to shower and shave, not time to pack.

Why did all this happen this way?  I was awake at 7:30 AM.  I was engaged in an intense discussion with my best friend about feminism and the value of opposite-sex platonic friendships.  That lasted an hour.  Finally, the conversation died down, and I got ready.  I over estimated how long it would take to shower, shave, and get dressed.  That fucked everything up.

I would need to come back at lunch time to pack and grab my suitcase.  I would also need to buy some cigars for the trip, and a lighter.  That would not leave time for lunch, especially with the intense discussion I started having with another friend about various Oscar considerations.  I also discovered I had still had plenty of leftover cigars in my suitcase from my last trip.  I was back from lunch fifteen minutes late.  Further, since I didn’t have time for lunch, I was unable to properly mask the scent of my cigar.  Strike 2.

There was a proposal that was supposed to go out by the end of the day.  I had finished it before lunch and left it on my boss’s desk.  It did not seem like our boss would come back before the end of the day.  I sent an email to the client saying the partners were reviewing it and it would be ready Tuesday morning at the latest.  He was fine with that.  Our boss came back, just as I was about to leave.  I said it’d probably have to wait until Tuesday unless he wanted to send out himself.  He was okay with that.  Our sales rep was not.  He went ballistic.  Strike 3.

I wound up having to stay until 3:30 PM, the regular closing time, when I had been planning on leaving at 3 PM and taking an hour of personal time (fifteen minutes late, fifteen minutes extra for lunch, leave thirty minutes early).  Instead, I didn’t get docked any personal time, but I seriously risked missing my flight.  I figured I’d be good.  I was downstairs at 3:30 PM, immediately got a taxi, and then came the traffic.

It was 5:40 PM by the time we got to the airport.  I cleared up my reservation with Hertz while I was in the taxi, and I was all set.  Reader, all I had eaten by this point was a bagel with cream cheese and two cups of coffee.  That’s it.  It was 6:10 PM by the time I got past security.  Boarding would begin at 6:35 PM.  The gate was not close.  I could either write my entry or get food, but not both.  I chose to write the entry, assuming that there would be food on the plane.

Big mistake.  I got to write my entry for about ten minutes.  It was past 7:30 PM by the time the food cart came to us.  And announced they were out of food.  WTF?!?!?!?!  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  He clarified.  All they had was Goldfish and cookies.  That was food.  I got two packs of Goldfish and a pack of cookies.  That would hold me over until I landed.  Hopefully.

Meanwhile, my seatmates, with whom I was becoming fast friends, had similar complaints about the lack of alcohol and the rudeness of the service in general.  I began to write my entry after I ate, but we continued the conversation, moving on to other topics, too.  On that note, I will now close so that I can hopefully enjoy the rest of my flight.  I will soon be landing in Cancun where Roberto will be awaiting me.

Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Quebec, Istanbul, Lake Placid, The Bransfield Strait, Macau, and, now, Cancun.  Those are but a few places where I have smoked my 2010 Christmas Pipe.  Cancun, you cannot hear that word and but think of the beach.  This is not a beach trip.  Cancun just happened to have the big international airport with direct flights from New York.  It is merely our jumping off point to the six World Heritage Sites in the Yucatan.

We will start tomorrow with Chichen Itza, the most famous one of all.  However, tonight’s entry, and the now necessary corresponding entry in my personal journal will not be about Mayan ruins.  It will be about new friends.  I hinted at this above, but I made a new friend, the woman sitting next to me on the flight.  We did more than just bitch about the bad service.  We actually had real conversations.  Not one, multiple.  Who was that person sitting in Seat 20F, and what did he do with Steven?

Was it because she reminded me so much of my best friend that I felt comfortable talking to my seatmate, or was it more an extension of the conversation from this morning, that I had realized something about myself and was able to extend it to this new friendship?  Just as I knew four years ago, I knew tonight, I could not let her leave my life forever.  It didn’t matter that her boyfriend was sitting in the row in front of us.  This was not about that.  This was about making a new friend.  The only new food I had gotten was a tray of nuts, which led to more jokes about the sexuality of the flight attendant who brought us the nuts and asked me, with a distinct San Francisco accent, “Do you like nuts?”  We found so much to talk about and joke about for most of the rest of the flight.  It was that fateful night in June 2012 all over again.

When we finally landed, and I got cell service, I asked if she was on Facebook.  She went to type in her information into my phone, but she had forgotten that she had set her profile to private.  I suggested she look up my information, but she didn’t have cell service.  What about Instagram?  Yes, that would work.  As we waited in the line for Immigration, she was about a row ahead of me, so we exchanged a smile or a joke each time we passed each other as the rows moved.  She referred to me with her friends (they were travelling as a group of 11) as her friend from the plane.  Again, who was sitting in Seat 20F, and what did he do with Steven?  Just as the cute girl who rested her head against my hand four years ago became my best friend, the cute girl in Seat 20E who rested her elbow against mine on the armrest could now become a new friend.

It was not long before I finished clearing the formalities and met my other new friend: Roberto. We found each other outside the airport and greeted each other like old friends, which, by this point, we were.  We had been Facebook friends for over four months, which is a long time in this day and age.  This was the first time we were meeting.  It was both familiar and uneasy.  To go from a Facebook friendship to hanging out in person with just each other for three days.  But we had been talking about this trip for literally four months.  We were ready.  We took some ceremonial pictures together, but I had trouble posting them to social media.  It was after midnight before I got everything up.

We also had a bit of wait with the car, but we were on the road before long.  We stopped at a gas station for food and snacks.  I was starving, and this was what I got.  Gas station food.  I was so hungry that I didn’t care.  We headed to the hotel, but the first room they gave us with still dirty.  They gave us a new room, this one clean.  Smoking was banned in the room, and there were no operable windows.  The weather is beautiful out, so it was a no brainer.  After we settled in, I headed downstairs and went outside, where I found a seat, lit up my 2010 Christmas Pipe, and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish, write my personal entry, and get some sleep.

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