
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Maine 2017 - Day 0 - A Summer to Remember

“Maine 2017”

6/23/17, “A Summer to Remember”
Kennebunk, Maine

Summer has Officially begun.  Once again, I find myself in Maine to begin the summer.  Whether it be Lubec (2013), Mars Hill (2014), Augusta (2015), Ogunquit (2016), or Kennebunk (2017), it is the second half of the dateline that unites it all, my first trip of the summer, beginning the summer where summer begins, here in Maine.  The list of trips I have planned is nowhere near as expansive as previous summers, but it will definitely be a summer to remember.

With no more school to worry about, and a light summer of travel, it will be a summer of freedom, to do the things in the city I have always found myself too busy to do, to go the places with friends I have wanted to go but never found the time, to never have to worry about being too busy to do anything for that matter.  It will be a summer to watch movies in the park, to visit the islands other than Manhattan, to smoke and drink on rooftops.  It will be a summer to enjoy all the city and suburbs have to offer.

Of course there will be travel, too, and this trip follows up on two excellent trips since Memorial Day, the first to Queen Charlotte, one of the most relaxing places I have ever been, and the second to the islands of fire and ice, which ranked as an all-time top five trip, Greenland easily earning the title of the most beautiful place in the world to me.  Next weekend will be an extra special trip for me, the trip where I will finally have accomplished my goal of visiting every World Heritage Site in North America, along with every Canadian province.  After that, a weekend in San Francisco.  Then, various road trips to Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

That certainly seems like a summer to remember as described already, but how it will end is what makes it truly epic.  After all of that, comes the big trip, the one I have been planning for five years, ever since I began this quest: a 16-day trip to Hawaii and the South Pacific.  There this quest will come to an end, at which point I will be greeted by my best friend, with whom I will celebrate my 30th Birthday.  Five years have all led to this.  It is sure to be a summer to remember.

Okay, so, as for Day 0, well, as is my tradition, I will actually start with Night -1.  It was another pizza and movie night with the K-Man, but with one minor variation.  With no good movies to see in theatres, we opted to watch one at my place instead.  We first met my coworker at Urbanspace for a drink before heading to our usual spot, CPK.  There, we once more got appetizers and our usual pizzas, along with a pair of Moscow Mules.

I ate way too much, and we went back to my place to smoke cigars (LFD Andalusian Bull) and aquavit that I brought back from Iceland as we watched “Gentleman’s Agreement.”  It was epic on every level, and the movie was excellent.  I had to get up early, as I needed to get to the office at 7 AM so that I could leave at 4 PM.

I had a Danish pastry (again, not a Danish) for breakfast, having developed an addiction for such things ever since my Trip of Ice and Fire.  It was a slow day at work, and the office was almost empty, but I got done what I needed to do.

Lunch was my traditional pre-departure lunch from Hop Won, boneless spareribs and sweet and sour chicken, along with an egg roll, fried rice, and a seltzer.  After lunch, knowing that no one was in the office who might complain if I came back smelling, I had a Romeo y Julieta.

I left the office at 4 PM and took the train up to North White Plains where I got the car before driving to my parents’ house to meet Stu, whom my parents had just met for the first time.  A light snack was ready for us, though the quantity of it that I consumed turned it into my dinner.  It consisted of various breads, meats, cheeses, and jam.  I got a coffee for the road, and we were off at 6 PM.

As soon as we got on the highway, I lit up a Davidoff Yamasa Toro.  The traffic was familiar, the passenger unfamiliar.  Finding the familiar within the unfamiliar, and experiencing the unfamiliar within the familiar, remember.  We wound up taking a slightly different route than I had taken on previous drives, but none of it mattered, as we wound up at I-95 N in New Hampshire before we reached the familiar bridge into Maine.  We had stopped on the way at a Wendy’s in Connecticut so that Stu could get dinner, but a handful of his fries and a scoop of his Frosty was sufficient to supplement the “light” snack I had had earlier.  I got a coffee for myself.

After Stu was done with his meal, I lit up a Prensado, and we listened to Howard Stern.  That brought us into Maine, where I soon saw the very familiar sign that welcomed us to Maine.  We took some ceremonial pictures and then drove the relatively short distance to our hotel, a brand new Hampton Inn in Kennebunk.  We settled into our room, and then I went back down with my pipe and a beer.  They weren’t set up yet, but they gave me the royal treatment, finding me a can opener to use to open my beer and bringing a chair out for me to sit in the smoking area.  I headed out there, where I sat down, lit up an Ardor, and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish and get to sleep, as we have a packed day tomorrow.

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