
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lincoln: The Experience - Day 2 - What is in an Outfit? (Or: The Pipe Show)

O’Hare International Airport, Illinois

In yesterday’s entry, I talked about “last time.”  In this entry I talk about “next time.”  There are some trips I take where I need to shoot for Complete, knowing I will never return to that area of the world.  My trip to Dubai was like that.  I wanted my trip to Jordan to be like that, but I failed.  I don’t need to go into more examples, but this trip was not like that.  I knew that I would return to this area, so saying Indiana Complete was not so important.  Not even getting an Indianapolis keychain mattered, since I would probably return next year.  Sometimes I think I will return, such as with Orlando, but do not.  Having no reason to go to Orlando, saying Florida Complete now requires a very long drive from the Miami area to Orlando for no reason other than a stamp.  Maybe I will never make it back to the pipe show, but that seems unlikely.  The Midwest is not a place that holds any special sway over me, not like the Southwest, not like the Canadian Arctic, not like the inland parts of the North American Tropics.  Chicago is a nice city, not that I set foot inside of city limits, excluding the airport, and maybe next time I will spend some time seeing the city again.  When I finished up the show today, I had plenty of time, but I had zero desire to fight city traffic and do some sightseeing.  Next time.  When people ask if I enjoyed myself, I will answer honestly, and say that I did not, though it was very fulfilling.  Next time I will focus on enjoyment.  Next time I will spend some time in Indianapolis and maybe even see the Derby.  Next time I will spend more time relaxing in the smoking tent and showing off my pipes, which are some of the best in the world.  I know that I have one of the world’s best collections of Italian, straight grain pipes, but I do not how where I would rank on the list.  If I had to venture a guess, it would be top 100 in the world, but I could easily be off by an order of magnitude in either direction.  Next time I will budget a little more to the show and focus on just buying one amazing pipe instead of just getting two very good pipes.  Or maybe next time, I will aim to say Indiana Complete and Ohio Complete, pretty much repeating this trip.  Who knows?  I certainly don’t.

What I do know and what was originally supposed to be the opening for this entry is that I will probably still be listening to my Avril Lavigne and Taylor Swift music as I drive.  They are, without a doubt, my two favorite artists of the past 12+ years.  I do not want to provide a critique of their music styles but rather the way the dress.  What does the way two pop stars dress have to do with philosophy?  Everything.  Taylor tries too hard in her appearance while Avril has a more casual appearance, which I find more attractive.  I find it very unattractive when someone tries too hard to look good.  I find makeup, lipstick, eye shadow, anything unnatural to be unattractive.  I will not go into a deeper exploration of the impression I get from someone who so tries to subvert her reality.  Instead, I will explore how someone who dresses like Avril exudes pure self-confidence.  The very fact that she is so confident in herself that she doesn’t care about impressing people with an artificial appearance will make her far more attractive to me than any amount of so-called “beauty” products, and I have empirical evidence to prove it.

Reader, you and I both know that Avril probably spends just as much time working on her “devil may care” look as Taylor does on her look, but that is not the point.  Avril has a persona to maintain.  The people I am talking about do not.  Whenever I hear about a woman trying to change a man, it is a non-starter.  I would never be in a relationship with someone who wants to “change” me.  I am who I am, and I am the only one who gets to decide what is negative about me and what I will do to change it.  It is the Jim/Cheryl (“According to Jim”) example, which is why he is one of my favorite characters.  Whenever Cheryl tries to change Jim, he reminds her that she chose him for him, and he would not be who he was if he changed.  She accepts that argument without further discussion.

“I am the man who does not sacrifice his love or his values.”  Any relationship that requires you to sacrifice your values is not love.  It is convenience.  Any man who is willing to sacrifice his values in exchange for love suffers from breaches in self-esteem.  Any woman who is trying to attract a man based on the way she dresses or the way she “puts on her face” suffers from breaches in her self-esteem.  My reader might point out that I am saying I am attracted to people who dress casually and that might contradict what I am saying, but they would be misreading it.  I would first like to go off on an aside.  In addition to the casual look, which we can call the Avril Lavigne look, there is also what I will call the Marissa Meyer look.  I find Marissa Meyer attractive not because she is pretty, though she is, but because she is the CEO of Yahoo, which means she is pretty much Dagny Taggart made flesh.  The way she dresses exudes just as much self-confidence as the Avril Lavigne look, and it is a look I also find attractive.  The reason why there is no contradiction between me saying “I don’t care about how women dress” and “I find women who dress casually attractive” is because I do not find the way they dress attractive but rather what it represents.  If an irrational thinker or someone with low self-esteem was dressing that way, I would not find it attractive at all and perhaps even be disgusted by their appearance.  Paired with WIJG, it is easy to see why I went on this whole tangent, but I will leave it a mystery to my causal reader, who can just take it as my reaction to the music I had been playing all trip.  I will briefly pause before I recall the adventures of the day.

Breakfast was excellent, and I left my bags with the valet as I went to take my picture of the Capitol.  I lit up my Cohiba, vowing to say Complete next time.  I had once again miscalculated the time zone differences, but the error was in my favor.  I had not set an alarm, and I will still be at the show ahead of schedule.  The drive was long, boring, and unadventurous, though I barely had enough gas to get to the show.  I knew that if I filled up on the way from the show to the airport I would be able to return the car with close enough to full, so that was my goal.  Towards the end of the drive, after I lit up my Padron and starting to get tired of Avril, I put on Taylor.  When I had put on Avril at the office after getting back from the CA-4 trip, one of my coworkers asked me if I was cheating on Taylor with Avril.  I had replied that I had been cheating on Avril with Taylor all along.  It is important to note that I have found both of these artists, my two favorite singers of the past 12 years, to be physically attractive.  There are other far prettier artists, but I enjoy these two artists’ music better.  Did my attraction to them inform my appreciation of their music, or was it the other way around?  I’m not sure.  I do not think I am attracted to the Avril look because I like her music, nor do I think that I like her music because I like the way she dresses.  Sure, there might be some causation, but I think it is mostly correlation.

As I approached the resort that hosted the pipe show, I realized that I had no idea where the show would be.  Would the valet know?  Fortunately, it was clearly marked, and the smoking tent could not be missed.  Other than the show, my only forthcoming expenses would be a tank of gas, the taxi ride from the airport, and food.  I still had my original show budget in cash, though I had forgotten to account for the admission fee and the entry for the slow smoke, but I still had plenty.  I walked in, and I was floored.  There were well over 100 vendors, each with a big selection of pipes, ranging in price almost three orders of magnitude.  Excluding some antique pipes, the most expensive ones were 4-6 weeks of my net pay.  I had budgeted 1 week.  It reminded me of New Orleans or Quebec, places that are packed with souvenir shops.  While buying a keychain at each souvenir shop in New Orleans was an option, buying a pipe from each vendor was not.  I figured I could get two nice pipes to add to my selection, but I was only interested in Italian straight grains.  I also was not interested in pipe brands I already owned.  I wanted stuff that would be new, stuff that I could not get at Barclay Rex back home.  In the very first row, I found a pipe maker who had an amazing selection, exactly what I wanted.  I forced myself to hold off until had walked the whole floor, knowing full well I would be coming back.  I stopped at almost every vendor, picking up a pipe to check it out.  If it was stamped with a country other than Italy or did not have good grain, I put it down and walked on.  By this process, I quickly made my way through the floor.  I was starting to get hungry at this point, but I wanted to buy my pipes first.  There was another vendor with some underpriced straight grains, or so it seemed.  I went back to the first pipe maker, picked out a real beauty, and I asked him if he could do any better on the price.  Being an Italian pipe maker, his English was not too great, so I named a price.  He hemmed and hawed but agreed to my offer.  I then went back to the other guy, who was right next to Steve Monjure.

Monjure and I go way back.  I always buy a lot from him when he has a show at Barclay Rex.  I probably account for over half of his sales at those pipe shows.  On the other hand, half of my Italian straight grains, the pride of my collection, have come from him.  I would not say that we are friends, our relationship being purely business, but we have a very friendly relationship.  He knows that I have the potential to make or break his show when he comes to New York, and I know that he can get me all the best pipes from Italy.  It is a very good, mutually beneficial relationship.  He gave me a nice greeting, and he promised to do something for me if I wanted a pipe.  I really did want a pipe, but his pipes were almost twice as much as the other guy.  I looked at all the Ardor (my favorite of the Italian brands) straight grains and then moved on.  I soon realized why those pipes were so cheap.  They weren’t really straight grains, most of them being severely flawed.  The few that did have good grain were not of a shape I liked.

I went back to Monjure.  I found a few that I liked, and the sticker price was twice the cash I had in my pocket.  Not wanting to blow my budget and use my credit card, I asked him what he would do for me?  He asked if I wanted the employees’ discount or the manager’s discount?  I told him I wanted both and the Friends and Family discount.  That came out to be 30% off the sticker price, no tax, an effective discount of 35%.  I took all the cash I had on me, including the “lucky” large banknote I kept from Vegas and had been saving in case of an emergency.  I was still slightly short of the number he quoted for the cheaper of the two pipes.  I counted out the cash, told him I had a budget for the show and had already bought a pipe from the first guy.  He agreed.  Absolutely starving, I went to get something to eat at the snack bar.  It was cash only.

I went to the smoking tent, and even I could smell the smoke.  The smoke was so thick that you could see it permeate the room.  I lit up my first pipe, the one that I bought first, as I did some work.  I wrote one proposal and put together the folders to prepare two more.  My computer was getting low on battery.  After I finished the pipe, I was absolutely starving, but I only had 20 minutes before I needed to get back for the slow smoke contest.  I needed something quick and close by.  I found a fast food place across the street.  As soon as I stepped into the parking lot, I was whisked back to all of the Star Wars and comic book conventions I had attended, which used to be my main impetus for travel.  Those were the trips that I truly loved, cheap trips where purchases at the convention took up the vast majority of my budget.  I really want to budget the trip that way next time.  Lunch fitted the bill, a nice bacon cheeseburger, but I would soon be hungry again.  Binging on those Atkins bars the first two days and not leaving any for today was a big mistake.

People were lining up for the slow smoke when I got back.  They sat us down at tables and explained the rules to us in great detail.  The entry fee was far less than the cost of the new pipe we were getting, so it was a really good deal.  They had produced 100 identical pipes and weighed out 100 identical bags of tobacco, which looked like little bags of weed.  We would be given 5 minutes to inspect the pipe and then we would be given our little bags of tobacco.  We would get 5 minutes to fill our pipe bowl.  After that, we would have 1 minute and two matches to light our pipe.  After 10 minutes, we could have a bottle of water.  We were not allowed to use a pipe cleaners, so some smokers left the stem a little bit out to avoid a moisture build up.  If we wanted to use the bathroom, we would have to leave the pipe at the table and hope it was still lit when we got back.  We were out of the contest if the pipe went out for any reason, whether or not we had gone through our entire bowl of tobacco.  I had hoped to go for an hour, but I just wanted to smoke the damn pipe.  The tobacco was very dry, and I knew that an hour was a pipe dream, pun intended.  I was not the first one out, and I went out just as the bulk of the crowd started to go out, so I had no reason to be embarrassed, considering I was a rookie at this.  It was my first time, and I lasted 25 minutes.  There is a sex joke to be made here.  I saw one of my friends from the NY Pipe Club, and we exchanged greetings.  The president, Lou, of the club was also there.  They both finished a few minutes after I did.  Lou was quite impressed with my new pipes and examined them “under the glass” as he said.  I sat down to finish my Aristotle reading, which I had started during the contest.  There were some obnoxious guys sitting down near me.  They were smoking cigarettes, but one of them showed how knowledgeable he was when he started asking questions about my new Ardor.  I was, once again starving, but I did not want to go back to that same fast food place.

I figured that I would smoke my Ardor, grab something to eat on the way to the airport, stop at the cigar lounge I had seen on the road, and then get to the airport with more than enough time for to write this entry.  I stopped at another fast food place and then tried to remember where the cigar store was.  I had trouble finding it, and it was not a cigar store.  It was a hookah lounge with a shitty humidor.  It was good thing that I did not stop for a smoke, sine we will be boarding in about 40 minutes, and I am not yet finished.  I gassed up, cleaned out the car, and was on my way.  I got to gate without about 3 hours to spare before my flight, and I spent the proceeded to write this entry, which I have spent about 2 hours on, so I will now close and publish as is.  I suppose that I will includes some broader reflections en route, but this is the bulk of the entry, and I intend to either work or sleep on the plane.  I will make one last point before I close.  As I was driving in Illinois, they had a billboard with Illinois’s 5 Most Wanted.  3 of them were black, the other 2 Hispanic.  I am not making any kind of judgment, just pointing it out.

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