
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Antarctica - Day 10 - Back to Port

At sea, M/V Corinthian, Beagle Channel, En route to Ushuaia

As eager as I am to get back to New York, it has been both enjoyable and fulfilling to have this last day on the ship with my new friends before they, leave my life.  I am sitting out on the deck with only my fleece on over my pajamas, and I am quite content.  We are clearly no longer in Antarctica.  When I woke up this morning, some stuff from my vanity had fallen onto the floor.  That was the brunt of the Drake.  We had passed Cape Horn, and were out of the Drake.  I sat down to check on my status updates, not much having happened, since everyone back home was still asleep.  I saw John, and we chatted while we waited for Katherine.  After having stayed up with us until 3 AM the previous night, she slept all day, and that was why we hadn’t seen her yesterday.

They had my favorite for breakfast: corned beef hash.  Dom would later join us, and after John went up, I left Katherine and Dom at the table to go say hi to Danny and Sam and their parents.  After they went, I think I went to have my Cohiba.  The events of the day are very blurry.  Afterwards, I tried unsuccessfully to take a nap and then I headed up to the lounge, where I began to edit down the Travelogue entries so that I would feel comfortable sharing it with my fellow passengers.  As I was editing Day 2, I walked over to Vanessa and read to her the exchange of our first meeting on the bus.  She remembered it.  They announced lunch, but I was still editing.

Once I was done, I headed down to lunch, where I sat next to Danny.  I hadn’t even noticed that Beth was on the other side of the empty seat, but she seemed pleased to see me.  She asked me if I was going to use the chopsticks for the ice cream, and I said that I could.  We then noticed that Sam hadn’t finished her ice cream.  She was not excited about the idea, but Danny and I convinced her to let me do it.  After lunch, we all headed up to the lounge, where we relaxed for a couple of hours.  I handily beat Alan at chess while Davy gave everyone massages.  We had picked up the pilot during lunch, so I went into the bridge to meet him.  It was underwhelming.

Beth said that she felt like she could be doing something productive.  Thinking of the suitcase of philosophy books I had brought with me, I quipped, “I’m in the same boat as you, literally.”  She appreciated the joke.  I also walked over to Phil and shared the link to the blog with him.  He was eager to read about our first dinner together, and he thought my writing excellent and my stories hilarious.  He decided that he wanted to save it so that he would have some good reading material for the flight.  I also added my new friends on Facebook  I spent most of the time sitting next to Beth in a comfortable silence.  Emily was once telling me how she would rather be friends with someone with whom she could sit in comfortable silence than someone who can always engage her in conversation.  Being someone who hates always having to engage in conversation, I am starting to understand what she means.  It was then time for the briefing/recap, and I sat next to Vanessa and her parents.

Afterwards, I got my laptop and headed out to the smoking deck, where I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close.  The view of Tierra del Fuego is possibly even more breathtaking than the views we saw of the South Shetland Islands.  If someone told me that I was cruising through Alaska, other than the seasonal difference, I would have believed them.  When people ask me my favorite places that I’ve been to, I will answer the top and bottom of the world, Alaska and Antarctica.

In port, M/V Corinthian, Ushuaia, Argentina

This will be a short one.  After I closed, we pulled into port, and it started sleeting, the first precipitation of the trip, so I raced inside.  I settled up my account, and I headed up to the lounge, where I set next to Beth and across from Danny.  Cocktail hour began at 6:30 PM, and I was still in my pajamas.  I asked Danny if he thought I could head down like that or if I should shower and change.  He encouraged me to change and forgo the shower.  I asked Beth the same question, and she said I definitely needed to change.  I went back to my cabin, showered, changed, and joined my friends in the lounge.  I had left my laptop up in the club, so I went to retrieve it.  When I got back, we got back to adding each other on Facebook.  I even added Meredith and Alan, they having joined our group over the past day or so.  It was then time for the recap, and they showed a slide show of all the pictures from the trip.  Everytime a picture of me came up, I heard a resounding chorus of “Steve” from my friends behind me.

It was then time for dinner.  I followed Danny down, but he and his family took a table of four.  I saw Vanessa, and I asked her if her parents were coming down, knowing that Phil would not disappoint me with good material.  Vanessa and Dom had already sat down, and there were only two chairs left.  Phil told me to pull up another chair and moved over so that I could sit next to him.  I did just that and went up to my cabin to return my laptop.  However, the chair was gone when I got back, and Phil said that he was rebuffed by the waiters.

All my friends were at fully occupied tables at that point, but there was an empty seat with Luke and his family.  They are a military family, both parents having served, and Luke on his way to West Point.  They are also possibly the only family on the ship that does not have Facebook, not even 14-year-old Adrianne, possibly the only teenage girl in America that does not have Facebook.  Throughout the meal I was struck by how intelligent the whole family was, especially Luke and his siblings, all of whom were mature beyond their age.  The meal was excellent, with Luke and me ordering double portions of the steak.

They had given us so much silverware, and I said that all I needed was my one pair of chopsticks.  True to form, I ate the entire meal with just that one pair, except for the sorbet, which required a spoon.  After dinner, Danny told me to meet him up in the lounge later, so I grabbed my laptop and headed to the smoking deck, where I lit up a Padron and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can I write #TheFinalChapter.  I have had an amazing time on this ship, and it is trip that I will remember the rest of my life.  All that remains is one last wild night in Ushuaia and the rest of #TheJourneyHome.

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