
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Full Circe - Day 3 - The Return Journey

9/26/16, “The Return Journey”

Quebec City Jean Lesage Internation Airport, Quebec (YQB)

It is only six hours since I was writing from outside my hotel last night, and I will be back at my office in less than five hours.  This has been a short trip by any stretch, but it was well-designed and perfectly executed.  It was a steep price to pay to do 20 hours of driving in two days, but it was well worth it, and I am quite glad to have finally made it to Miguasha National Park.

This trip has been called Full Circle for reasons described last night, but I also put in a lot of effort into designing the trip to further fit into that theme.  When I went to Canada with my friend’s for NYE in 2012, we drove from Westchester to Toronto, across from Toronto to Quebec, and back down from Quebec to Westchester.  We did it in seven days.  This time, I flew to Toronto and back from Quebec, but the Canadian portion of the drive was much the same.  When I did my two provincial capitals trips (October 2014 and July 2016), I stayed at Delta Hotels.  Since I was in Toronto to see the provincial legislative assembly there, I made sure to stay at a Delta hotel.  When I did my National Park trip in July 2013, I stayed at a Days Inn on the way back to Edmonton.  On the way to Miguasha National Park, I stayed at the Days Inn in Edmundston (sic).  Then, of course, I stayed at the L’Intendant last night, where it all began.

My adventure in Quebec was a repeat of things I have done multiple times.  All in all, this trip allowed me to relive a lot of great memories of my 9 previous trips to Canada over the past four years, and I was very glad to have come full circle in this manner.  I reflected on my time in Canada during last night’s entry, and I do not have much more to say.  Anything I might write further would preempt the things I intend to say when I do my “Canada Complete” trip to Newfoundland and Labrador next summer, so I will leave it at this.  We will soon be boarding, so I need to close anyway, but I wanted to get this airport entry in before I left.  As is my tradition, I will treat the return journey in its entirety once I get back to New York.

En route, NYC Taxi 7J94

12 hours ago, I was getting gas as I entered the city of Quebec.  Now, I am in a taxi on the way back to my apartment.  I left LGA 60 hours ago, and the trip itself is now coming full circle.  The return journey was almost entirely unadventurous, and I have a fun fact.  Reader, recall how I had to go back to my apartment to pick up my computer charger.  Well, I have not charged my laptop once this trip yet, and the remaining charge will be more than sufficient to write and publish this entry.  In other words, I didn’t even need the charger.

Okay, so, the return journey.  After I closed, I headed up to my room and did everything I needed to do to get ready for the morning.  I set two alarms and fell asleep.  I don’t even think I got my 2 full REM cycles.  I got ready and headed out.  I was surprised to see so many cars on the road at 3:30 AM, but I was soon at the airport, which, too, was surprisingly crowded for that hour.  I had half of my Toscano and went to security.  I was surprised that they didn’t do border control at the airport here, which is the typical process for when I fly home from Canada.  Instead, I would clear border control at Kennedy.  There were flights from this airport to US Destinations, domestic destinations, and even a flight to Cancun.

I headed to the duty-free shop and, in a first, saw Cubans for sale at a Canadian airport.  Was I allowed to buy them?  She told me that I was allowed to bring a certain dollar amount of Cubans back to the US from Canada.  Was that true?  I had never heard of that before.  I bought a pack of five cigars, Cohiba Siglo II, my favorite, and it was slightly under that dollar amount, actually about half of the price of what it would have cost in the city of Toronto.  I also got some maple syrup goods, which I’m sure I’ll regret by the end of the week.

I got a bagel sandwich for breakfast, along with hash browns and coffee.  I scarfed it down and headed the gate.  We were not yet boarding, so I proceeded to write my airport entry.  I was the first one on the plane, and I ordered my usual beverage for when I am taking a first-class flight at this hour: coffee and whiskey.  I finished it before we took off.  It would be a short flight, only an hour in the air, and I fell asleep about halfway through.

I woke up as were landing.  Then it was the usual process for any international flight.  I headed to border control, scanned my passport at the kiosk, and went to the customs checkpoint.  He asked a few questions, including if I was bringing anything back.  I pointed to the bag of maple products.  That was that.  I waited on line for the taxi and, once we were on the road, I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish, along with closing at this trip.  Next stop: Texas with my mother to see the Alamo and other sites in the area.

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