
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Australia - Day 0 - The Long Haul

12/24/16, “The Long Haul”

Aboard QF 94, En route LAX-MEL

When I get off the plane at Melbourne, it will be close to 6 PM back in New York, almost exactly 24 hours after I got on the plane last night.  Other than my brief sprint between my gates at LAX, those 24 hours will have been spent entirely on airplanes.  I have had 24-hour journeys before, but, in the past, a large bulk of the time has been taken up by layovers at airports, not the 5-minute sprint that constituted my layover last night.  Most people would consider a 6-hour flight to be a long flight, but, I do not, especially not when it is being immediately followed by a 16-hour flight.  There has been a sharp contrast between these two flights, with this flight far exceeding in comfort the shorter flight.

After I closed last night, I went in search of food and drink.  I found a fridge that had the new Glaceau Sparkling Smartwater that I had wanted to try, and I cracked one open and started drinking it by the time I got to the cash register.  If I had known how gouged the price was, I would not have bought it, but it was too late.  I then went to Auntie Ann’s for some pretzel products.  There were no seats, but I found some spots at the counter.

As I ate, I learned some devastating news.  Carrie Fisher had suffered a heart attack.  Details were sparse, and it was unclear how serious it was.  I then saw that she had stopped breathing on a flight and was not responding to CPR when she landed.  No, this couldn’t be.  Nothing else mattered at this point.  There have been a lot of awful celebrity deaths this year, but none of them hit me as heard as Carrie was, even though her status was unclear.  I soon saw that she had been resuscitated and was on a ventilator at the ICU.  It looked like she would make it.  Our flight had been delayed due to a late arrival of the inbound aircraft.  No matter, they had told me that they hold the LAX-MEL flight to wait for the JFK-LAX passengers.

It was a completely packed flight, and I was seated behind an annoying kid who kept putting his seat up and down, which meant I had to keep adjusting the angle of my monitor screen on the back of his seat.  To make matters worse, since I was in one of the last rows, and the flight attendants were, I believe, on their last shift of the day, I got the short end of the stick, and one of them was particularly unpleasant to me.  The movie options were in-flight entertainment were plentiful, and I opted on a Western from about 10 years ago that I never saw.  It was called “3:10 To Yuma” with Christian Bale and Russell Crowe playing the leads.  It was a standard Western, but it was really good.
For dinner, I had plain grilled chicken and Australian red wine, followed by a chocolate raspberry dessert.  Coffee was supposed to follow but they stopped the beverage service a few rows before mine for some reason.  I had to specially request the coffee from a different flight attendant.  I then took my nap, and I was woken up by a PA announcement that we were being kept in a holding pattern and would need to circle for half an hour before landing.  They said it would not affect our connections, since all flights at LAX were grounded, due to the storm.  Now I started to worry.  Would we be able to take off from LAX?  The storm was brutal, there was terrible turbulence as we made our descent, and the runway was flooded, but, I figured, if we could land, we could take off.

As soon as I got off the plane at LAX, I heard on the PA there, “Final boarding call for Qantas Flight 94 to Melbourne.  Please proceed to Gate 152 for immediate boarding.”  We (me and the other JFK-LAX-MEL passengers) sprinted to that gate, but we made it.  The flight was almost empty, and in my four-seater, the two middle seats were empty, so I, um, it’s better to use numbers.  The four-seater was DEFG, and I had seat G.  Someone was in seat D, but EF were empty.  I moved to seat F, and the guy in D didn’t seem to mind me using half of E for extra elbow and legroom.  I was quite comfortable.

I decided to watch “The Queen” for my movie, an exceptional biopic for which Helen Mirren won the Oscar playing Queen Elizabeth.  More importantly, it was the only Best Picture nominee from 2006 that I had not seen.  Until this point, I had always said that the Academy got it right in awarding “The Departed” the honor that year.  I can no longer say that.  “The Queen” was just perfect on every level.  A+ acting performances, especially by Mirren, great costuming and hair and makeup, production design, enthralling screenplay, fitting score, even the sound mixing was good, something you don’t expect for a drama.  I loved every minute of it.

Towards the end, they brought dinner, and I got tortellini, along with sparkling Australian wine.  It was quite good.  After the movie, I had a bit of a dilemma.  It was about 1 AM in Los Angeles, and, given that I had not slept yet, it would still be considered a 12/23/16 entry if I wrote, even though it would be after midnight.  My watch said 8 PM Australian time (on 12/24/16), and, if I took a nap, I would wake up after midnight, and I would have to use 12/25/16 for my dateline.  I really wanted to make sure I had an entry with a 12/24/16 dateline.  What to do?

Well, there was only one possibility.  I would need to take a nap and wake up within 4 hours, before midnight.  I did just that, not setting an alarm.  When I woke up, my watch read 11:59 PM, 12/24/16.  Perfect timing.  I retrieved my laptop from the overheard and sat back down in my seat, where I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can try to sleep some more before landing in Melbourne.

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