
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Jersey Shore 2017: The Experience - Day 1 - On the Waterfront

8/19/17, “On the Waterfront”

Ocean City, New Jersey

The majority of today has been spent on the waterfront, both the Atlantic Ocean, which lends its name to this region I am calling the Mid-Atlantic, and Great Egg Harbor River, which was the last National Park Site I needed to visit in the region.  I am now less than ten miles from where I woke up today, and the Great Egg Harbor River was the only NPS unit I visited today.

This is clearly a very different kind of trip from the NPS runs I have been doing this summer.  However, those runs were done to allow myself to say, “Mid-Atlantic Complete,” and I have said it today.  That mission has been accomplished, and the next NPS unit I visit will be in Hawaii.  My time on the waterfront has been, for the most part, relaxing, and it is a good way to close out the summer before I leave for Hawaii, and I am now perfectly relaxed smoking my pipe and staring across the water at lights of Atlantic City.

Since not much happened today, this will be necessarily be a short entry.  After I closed last night, I brought the mattress out so that I could sleep outside.  I slept quite well, waking up around 8 AM before I headed down for my workout in the building’s gym, which was perfectly adequate.  After my workout, I changed and we headed down for breakfast.

My first choice for breakfast would have been a smoked salmon omelet, but I knew that we would be having fish for dinner, so I decided against that.  My second choice would have involved bacon, but I was planning on going to Blimpies for lunch, as it is New Jersey’s most iconic fast food restaurant, and their specialty is a pork-based sub.  I then saw that they had an interesting dish called cream chipped beef.  I got that.  It was much better than I expected.

Not long after breakfast, my mother and I headed out on our adventure.  In many ways, it was to cash the check that we wrote as we were crossing the Delaware last weekend.  Great Egg Harbor River National Scenic and Recreational River was the last NPS unit I needed to visit I the Mid-Atlantic region.  All of our efforts would pay off today.  I knew the stamp to be located inside Estell Manor Park, so we headed there first, and, sure enough, they had the brochures and stamps.  They also had two more brochures (and stamps) for Maurice River Wild and Scenic River and Pinelands National Reserver, neither of which are Official NPS units, but I got all three brochures and stamped each with their stamp.

This was a success, but I could not claim it yet.  We needed to take a ceremonial picture on the waterfront, so we drove to a place with a scenic vista.  I lit up an H. Upmann, we took our ceremonial picture, and I made my pronouncement.  “New Jersey Complete.  Mid-Atlantic Complete.”  I was proud of my accomplishment.  We went for a bit of a walk before getting in the car and heading to Blimpies, in a town called Rosenhayn.

I had my navigation on, and I lost focus about half of a mile from the destination.  We were past the location, and my mother said that she just saw a deli but not Blimpies.  Long story short, the Blimpies had closed down, and it had been replaced by Rosenhayn Deli.  This was neither iconic nor famous.  In fact, it was not dissimilar from the one we went to at the end of our trip last weekend in Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania.  I got a chicken parmesian on wheat, along with chips and coffee.  The sandwich was too big, and I only could eat half.  I then lit up an Aroma de Cuba, and we drove back dejected.

I was now determined to say, “Atlantic County Complete,” which meant we would need to visit the country legislature and the two National Historic Landmarks in the county.  We first stopped at the meeting place of the Board of Chosen Freeholders in Northfield.

Next was the Atlantic City Convention Hall, now known as Boardwalk Hall, the home of the Miss America pageant.  After I took my ceremonial picture I still had a little bit of cigar left, and it was going out, anyway, so I decided to save it for the other NHL, which we would visit on our way to dinner.  When we got back to 5000 Boardwalk, we all relaxed for a bit before my parents and I headed back out to dinner.

We stopped at Lucy the Elephant, the country’s oldest surving “roadside attraction,” on the way to dinner in Longport.  I got a replica of the elephant and relit my cigar, and we took our ceremonial picture.  That was it.  Atlantic Country Complete.

We met my grandfather and his wife for dinner at a restaurant called Catch.  It had a great seafood selection, and I was pleased to see that they had Gosling’s Rum behind the bar.  I always like a nice rum with seafood, and this would do quite well.  It was probably close to two years since the five of us had been together, and a good time was had by all.  The funniest moment of the evening occurred when my grandfather started saying something that seemed to be intended as a compliment but didn’t really make much sense.  I nodded along politely, and, after he finished he paused for a moment before realizing that what he said was complete nonsense.  He then asked me if what he said was complete bullshit, and, without missing a beat, I confirmed that it was, 100%, that not a single word of it made sense.  We must have laughed about for a solid five minutes.  The food was good, too.  My appetizer was a surf and turf dish consisting of scallops and short rib.

My main course was wild Atlantic salmon with vegetables.  That was excellent, but I knew that I was eating too much and would soon regret it.  After we were done eating, we demurred on dessert.  The only dessert I wanted was a nice cigar.  I went to Ocean City with my grandfather, and, once I got settled in there, we went out to the pool area, where I lit up a PDR and we chatted for most of the cigar.  The best part about staying with him is that I can smoke in the house, so, with a little bit of cigar left, we went inside, and he showed me everything I might need over the next hour or so, incuding some dessert options.  I was quite content.

We said our goodnights, and I finished the cigar in a very comfortable chair.  I then made myself a small platter of desserts before heading upstairs and heading out to the patio, where I sat down, lit up my Ardor, and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish and soon get to bed.

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