
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Friday, June 10, 2016

HP: The Experience - Day 0 - "All Was Well"

“Harry Potter: The Experience”

6/10/16, “All Was Well”
John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York (JFK)

“All was well.”  Those three bittersweet words were the last words that J.K. Rowling wrote about Harry Potter.  Those three words were the words that made every kid of my generation who grew up with Harry burst into tears, both because we were sad it was over and because we were happy for Harry.  Those are the three words that can still cause my eyes to well up.  All was well.  We knew it was over, and we knew that nothing else would every compare, despite the slew of YA franchises that would fail miserably at copying the success.

While the adventures of Bella and Katniss and Tris were enjoyable stories, none of them could have competed with the magic of Harry’s story, the story we thought had ended once Rowling wrote that all was well.  Except, Harry’s story is not over.  In less than 24 hours, we will be finding out what is next in Harry’s story when the curtains go up at the Palace Theatre on “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”  That is the reason we are taking this trip.

Who’s we?  Well, that’s an interesting question, but first I need to back up and return to this concept of “all was well.”  I could probably count on one hand, certainly no more than a dozen, the times in my life when I could truthfully say “all was well.”  By all, I mean all.  I mean, no worries about anything, no worries about work or relationships or school or your sock bunching up in your shoe.  I mean all.  It is always a fleeting feeling that usually only lasts for an hour or so, maybe 24 hours tops.

4 years ago today, was one of those such moments, and it didn’t last for a few hours.  It lasted for over three weeks, and the summer would go on to become one of the best summers of my life.  It was the summer that I set out to see the world.  When I went to Athens, I wrote about that Summer of Travel, but tonight I will write about that night.

It was the night of the Tony Awards, and I had gone to the Beacon Theatre to try and get the stars entering the event, but there was no access.  I got dinner with some friends, I believe paying for their in exchange for information on where the after-party would be.  There was only one name that I really cared about: Amanda Seyfried.  Having just gotten Dominic Cooper on my Mamma Mia blu-ray, I wanted to add Amanda.  I had other autographs I wanted to get, but that was the one that mattered.  I went back to my apartment to watch the end of the show, and I was tired and exhausted.  I didn’t want to go out again.  I almost didn’t.  I’m glad I did.

When I got there, I met up with my friends, and we talked about the celebs.  Nearby, waiting at the scaffolding, was someone with bright green eyes to match her green shirt.  “Who’s that?” I asked one of my friends.  She didn’t know her.  I certainly did not know that this stranger would, over the course of the next four years, become my best friend or that her friendship would positively change my life for the better.  She was but a stranger who caught my eye, an event that happened more than once a week, so I certainly had no idea that this would lead to a once-in-a-lifetime friendship.

Amanda soon pulled up in her car, and my friends called me away.  I had three items to get signed.  Another dinner I had promised them if they helped me get the autographs.  They convinced her to roll down the window, and I got all three items signed.  I went to rejoin the stranger in green.  We continued talking.  When Amanda came out of her car, I was still standing behind her, and being a foot taller than her, I wound up rather visibly in the background of the photo she took with her.  We continued talking as we waited for James Marsden.  I had items for him, too, but I didn’t really care about his autograph.

At the end of the night, we left with no way to keep in touch, save one.  She had given me her email address so that I could send her some information and tips about autograph collecting.  I didn’t expect to ever see her again.  I certainly didn’t expect that we would be meeting up four years later in London with her family to see a new Harry Potter story on stage.  I just knew that I had met someone who had made me smile for a couple of hours.  After the event was done, I went home, and, for the first time in a long time, I was happy, truly happy.  All was well.

I met up with her two more times throughout the course of the summer, and we said our goodbyes before I left on my first trip of the summer, to Nashville and Kentucky.  For those three weeks, all was well.  The summer of travel brought with it its own stresses, but those three weeks were entirely stress-free.  When we parted ways, I still did not expect to see her again, and it has been over a year since the last time I saw her, but we keep in touch almost every day.

It is so unusual the chance events that can lead to a lifelong friendship.  My friend Roberto, who has stayed with me for the past week, I met him through Instagram.  Last night was our last night together, and we did it up right.  We saw the movie 12 Years a Slave, which was alright, but undeserving of the BP in my book.  We then went to the diner, and I got some of my usual favorites.  We went home and had some Cubans as I packed.  I had a scare as I thought I lost my passport.  It got caught up in the back of the drawer.  I did my itineraries, and it was close to 2 AM by the time I got to sleep.

We woke up, and I quickly got ready.  We then walked to my office and said our goodbyes, planning a trip together to Oaxaca in September.  He will be another lifelong friendship whom I met quite unexpectedly.  I had a typical day at work, finishing up everything early, and I got Hop Won for my pre-departure lunch for the first time in a while.  After work, I headed to the cigar store for my traditional pre-departure Cohiba before getting in a car to the airport.  The security line wasn’t too bad, and I was soon at my gate, where I sat down and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish before I board.

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