
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Roberto in Philly - Day 2 - "Rocky"

6/5/16, “Rocky”

New York, New York

If I were to advise a first-time visitor to Philadelphia on the three top must-do activities, they would be eat a cheesesteak at Pat’s, see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, and run up the iconic Rocky Steps.  Yesterday, we did the first two (and not much else).  Today, our main event was the last of the three.  There is no bigger tourist trap in the city than those famed Rocky Steps, but to reenact the most famous scene of one of the ten greatest movies ever made is something that is always worth doing.  Other than that, the day mostly consisted of a “rocky” (pun very much intended) drive home.

We, of course, did not go out last night, and I fell asleep as soon as I published, before I was even ready for bed.  I was woken up by a text, and I finished getting ready as soon as the conversation had ended.  I slept for at least eight hours, but I had no appetite, still full from dinner.  Connor had left early in the morning, and Roberto went to get breakfast while I started to get ready.  Before I was ready to leave, my appetite returned, and went back for breakfast after Roberto got back.  I got myself a big plate of protein: an omelet, bacon, sausage, and scrapple.

I was quite full from it, but I couldn’t not go to Federal Donuts.  We finished getting ready and headed down, leaving our bags with the valet as we walked to Federal Donuts.  I got some coffee and ordered us two donuts to share: chocolate churro and vanilla spice.

From there, it was straight to the Rocky Steps.  We took pictures, and I then queued up the iconic theme as I gave Roberto my phone to take videos for Facebook and Snapchat.  They were perfect and had the desired effect.  We took some more ceremonial photos there and at the statue before heading back to the car.  I thought then that Rocky might make my top five list of movies of all time, but now I’m thinking it’s number six.  My order would be Godfather, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, Gone with the Wind, Gran Torino, Rocky, Braveheart, Wizard of Oz, Forest Gump, Titanic.  I asked Roberto if there was anything else he wanted to do before we left Philly.

He did not, so I put in Steamtown NHS into the GPS and lit up a Joya de Nicaragua and played the theme from Rocky as we drove.  (I should also note that last yesterday I forgot to record my second cigar of the initial drive, a Cabaiguan.)  I realized that, since we were driving to Scranton, I might as well play something from The Office.  I set up Netflix, and we listened to the first four episodes during the drive.  We soon passed “Mifflin Avenue” on the way to the NHS.  I also realized that this was the last NPS in Pennyslvania for me to visit, in fact, the last one in the Northeast.  Oh, did I mention about the rain?  It was really starting to come down hard, but it seemed to let up by the time we arrived at the site.

I got my stamps and pin, and then we headed out to the tracks to take our ceremonial pictures.  I lit up a Partagas and made a prolific announcement.  “Pennsylvania Complete.  Northeast Complete.”  I listed off every state in the Northeast: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and, now, Pennsylvania.  I had visited every National Park Site and State Capitol in the region, and I was rightly proud.  As we finished the ceremonial pictures, the rain started up again.  We had “caught a window”, a new expression I taught Roberto.

It was a brutal drive back to Scarsdale, the rain almost blinding for most of the drive.  I had to stop for gas, and the overhang didn’t protect me from the rain.  I got soaked.  I used the hot air from the AC system to dry myself, and, before long, we were crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge.  I was surprised to see they were building a new bridge.  I didn’t realize they had found the funding for that.  We got home, and my mother was starting to prepare the BBQ.  I will not go into details of that, but that turned out to be a near disaster, the grill almost setting on fire, though all the food turned out great.

My cousin, who was living with my parents for the summer, but whom I hadn’t seen since my brother’s wedding 10 months ago, joined us for cocktail hour, and it was great reconnecting with her.  Most of what we discussed over the evening is beyond the scope of this Travelogue and will be covered in my personal entry.  We (Robert, my father, and I) had some scotch, while my cousin had a Diet Coke.  Dinner was soon ready, after much adversity, as mentioned.  It was a great feast, and I had a big plate of protein: a hamburger, hot dogs, and even some chicken.

After dinner, we (my mother and I) watched Game of Thrones.  I then packed, and Roberto and I dropped off the car before taking a train back to the city.  Meanwhile, I was messaging back and forth with my friend about Game of Thrones almost nonstop.  I lit up an OpusX as soon as we left Grand central, and we walked to my place.  I sat down in my chair, where, once the conversation with my friend about Game of Thrones died down, I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close so that I can publish, write my personal entry, and get to sleep.

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