
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Maine 2016 - Day 2 - From York County to New York

6/26/16, “From York County to New York”

En route, I-87 S, New York (New York State Thruway)

Our trip now draws to a close, and the entirety of today consisted of making our way from York County in Maine back to New York.  We will end our time together in Scarsdale, New York, but I will be back home in New York City tonight after I watch the finale of Game of Thrones.  As we drove, yesterday, without internet access, we discussed how the origin of the names of the original thirteen colonies and their capitals came about.  Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland were all named after British Monarchs.  New York, of course, was named after York in England, likewise the county of York in Maine.

Our hotel in Ogunquit was also in York County.  I had decided that I wanted to be able to say “York County Complete” before we made our way back to New York.  The requirements for saying that phrase was a meal, a cigar, the county government building, and all five National Historic Landmarks in the county.  After that, all I wanted to do was drive to Albany to see the New York State Capitol before going back to Scarsdale for Game of Thrones.

It was tight, and we might not even arrive home in time for the beginning of the episode, in which case I am faced with the difficult choice of missing the beginning, watching on delay, or watching the beginning on my phone, none of which are good options.  The last seems the best of the bad options.  It has been an adventurous day, but I just want to be in front of that TV screen.

After I closed last night, I went straight to sleep, and we woke up a little after 8 AM, getting out the door at 9:30 AM.  I had chosen a breakfast place for us, where I could get dishes consisting of the Maine fixtures of blueberries and lobster.  We had trouble parking, and there was no table available for us, so we walked to the beach to take some pictures while we waited.

It was 10 AM when we sat down, and that meant the timing would now be very tight.  We also had trouble figuring out what to order, but, in the end, I got exactly what I expected to get: coffee, a lobster omelet, and a single blueberry pancake with fresh blueberry syrup.  Every bit of the meal was delicious, and it was quite filling.  After our meal, we went across the street to a gift shop, and, by the time we were done there, it was 11 AM.

We had about 8 hours of driving (if we took the scenic route, as Connor wanted to drive through Vermont), which meant we had only had 2 hours of “Dutch Time” allocated, to use a phrase I haven’t used in a while, in reference to my delays the morning I left Amsterdam three hours ago.  Yes, it was going to be a “Munich Run”, again, in reference to the day I drove to Munich on that same trip.  Our first stop was the county government building in Alfred.  We took our ceremonial picture there, and I lit up my biggest cigar, an Aroma de Cuba, with the intention of it lasting until we had visited all five NHLs, and I was able to say, “York County Complete.”

I will not go into the details of the sites we saw, instead only briefly recounting the adventure.  The first stop was the Sarah Orne Jewett House, the home of the famed author.  Our second stop was The Hamilton House, which served as the inspiration for one of her novels.  From there, it was McIntire Garrison House, which had no services and was basically in somebody’s backyard.  Next was the Old York Gaol, which is self-explanatory.  The last site was the Lady Pepperrell House, which, also, was someone’s home.  We parked across the street at the Parish House, and we walked up to this house, which had a Plaque outside.  We took our ceremonial pictures, and I said, “Well, that’s all of them.”  My friend, preempting me, announced, “York Country Completed.”  Confirming his sentiment, I said, “Yup, York County Complete.”

Since he wanted to drive the scenic route, I let him drive the rest of the trip.  I spent the trip vigorously calculating and recalculating the driving time.  With stops for gas and maple syrup and a few minutes at the Capitol, it was starting to look like it’d be a photo finish, and we’d need to drive straight to my parents’ house in Scarsdale, rather than dropping off the car first.  I lit up a Camacho, and we stopped for snacks after the first cigar.  I then lit up a Cabaiguan, but we were almost immediately over the Vermont border.  This was Connor’s first trip to New England, and we passed through every state but Rhode Island over the course of the trip.  Once we were over the border, we stopped so he could get some maple syrup to bring home, and I got some local cheese and coffee to go with the rest of my cigar.

After my cigar, we stopped for gas at a Gulf station with old-fashioned pumps.  I had to go inside to pay for gas, and I could not resist a small maple cream chocolate.  I then lit up a La Imperiosa, which brought us the rest of the way to Albany.  Timing was as tight as it could get, and we would only have five minutes to take pictures at the Capitol Building.  Fortunately, there were parking spots right aside.

Everything about the architecture in Albany was so beautiful, all the Victorian buildings, especially the Capitol Building.  I had only previously been here in the dark, so this was my first day-lit picture.  It also meant I now had a proper picture in front of every State Capitol in the northeast.  When I got to North Carolina next year, it will represent the State Capitols of all of the original thirteen colonies.  Adding in my trip to West Virginia in a month, it will only leave four State Capitols east of the Mississippi: Florida (Tallahassee), Alabama (Birmingham), Tennessee (Nashville, though I have been to the city twice without visiting the Capitol Building I don’t think), and Michigan (Lansing?).  We took our ceremonial pictures in front of the Capitol Building and got back in the car as I posted them to social media.

That was that.  We would be facing a tight drive back to Scarsdale, but the timing now looks good.  I sat down in the car and lit up a Ramon Allones.  Once we got on I-87, I grabbed my laptop and proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close and hope that all the gods, the old gods and the new gods, allows us to arrive in time for Game of Thrones.  With that, I will also close out this trip, since I am no longer in control of the return journey.  It has been a very enjoyable trip to the beautiful state of Maine, and I look forward very much to repeating this trip this time next year and in future years.  Next stop: the Canadian Maritime Provinces for Fourth of July weekend.

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