
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rio 2016: The Experience - Day 00 - Team USA

“Rio 2016: The Experience”

8/4/16, “Team USA”
John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York (JFK)

I suppose there is a saving grace to the fact that the Olympics always occur right before our Presidential Elections.  For a 16 Days every summer, we put aside our political differences, we bridge the racial divide, we forget about who should use what bathroom, and we all unite behind Team USA.  Left or right, black or white, male or female, none of that matters for these 16 Days, as we all cheer on our athletes who are competing under one flag, the red, white, and blue of Team USA.

Even in 1932, when Jesse Owens disproved the ideas of Aryan supremacy in Berlin, he was not a black athlete.  He was a member of Team USA.  Whatever he discrimination he faced when he arrived home was unforgivable, but everyone had forgotten their prejudices while he raced.  We have advanced far, though not far enough, but one thing has not changed.

For 16 Days, the only colors that will matter are red, white, and blue and gold, silver, and bronze.  We will unite as a country to cheer on Team USA, as a whole.  The most fervent Trump supporters will be right with the people who said “Bernie or Bust” when, for 16 Days, we are one team, Team USA.  That is just one of the many reasons why I love the Olympics so much.  I follow the political coverage as much as anyone else, more than most, so I get wrapped up in this, and I see how these elections tear our country apart.

That is why I love seeing our country unite for 16 Days to cheer on Team USA.  I will go into more detail in other entries about the other things I love about the Olympics.  “Go for the Gold” and “Citius, Altius, Fortius” will have their own entries, but this entry is about Team USA.  We are a divided nation, this election cycle perhaps more so than ever in recent memory, so it is a good thing that we will be fielding what may be our strongest Team of all time, and I can’t wait to see them in action.  It will be a Games to remember.

We will be boarding soon, so I want to recount Day 00 as quickly as possible before I board.  My astute reader will note that I am calling today Day 00 when I would typically call the departure day Day 0.  That is because I want to line up the numbering of this trip with the Olympic Days.  Day 1 is the first Day of competition, but I will be landing in Rio the morning of Day 0, so I need to call this Day 00.  I packed last night, later than I intended, which mostly consisted of tearing the tags of my new Team USA gear and Ralph Lauren wardrobe.  I had a whole new outfit.  A new suit, a new shirt, a new belt, and even new socks, all courtesy of Ralph Lauren.  I also had cargo shorts and polo shirt, along with some new Team USA t-shirts.  That all went in my new luggage.

Along with my newly cleaned up apartment, it felt like I had reset my life.  I got to work, and everyone loved my new look.  It would be a short day, mostly consisting of making sure my teammate was ready to take over all of my tasks when I left.  I didn’t have my usual slew of paperwork to print out, seeing as I was staying in one city the whole time, and I had bought a package that included my hotel and airfare.  All I printed out was the inscription photo for the WHS that marked Rio’s cultural landscape.

I realized that I had left my Kerri Walsh photo at home.  I would need to race home at lunch.  It would be a whirlwind lunch break.  First I went to the cleaners to see if they could hem my pants.  The tailor wasn’t there today.  I then went to Duane Reade to get all the Olympic-sponsored products (toiletries and beverages) I would need for my first day back.  I then went for my traditional pre-departure lunch at Hop Won, boneless spare ribs and sesame chicken.  After that, I lit up a Cohiba and biked home.  I couldn’t find the picture, despite looking all over.  I also needed to take out the trash, which I forgot to do.  I raced back to the office, dejected, and finished up what I needed to do at work.  I realized I hadn’t packed my yellow button-down shirt for the plane ride home.

After work, I headed the cigar store to meet my friend Raymond, retrieved my cigar, biked back to my apartment, looked again for the Kerri Walsh photo, failed again, found my yellow shirt, touched up my hasty shaving from this morning, and raced back to the apartment, another whirlwind adventure.  I got to the cigar store, and we said our goodbyes.  I ditched the cigar, and we went to wait for our car, which was late.  We almost had to take a cab, but it showed up.  He was a terrible driver (service-wise, not as in actual driving), and we got to JFK right before 6 PM.

His flight was at 8 PM, mine at 8:30 PM.  There as a huge line to check-in, and it was 7 PM by the time we had our tickets.  I paid an upgrade fee to get some extra legroom, which was quite an ordeal to do, but it all worked out.  We then went through security.  Raymond wasn’t wearing socks.  Did I mention that Raymond has never flown before?  He was disgusted with the whole TSA bureaucracy.  It was a hassle, but we cleared security and headed towards our gates.  “Catch you on the flipside,” I told him as he headed to his gate, as he is connecting in Chile.  I’m flying direct.

I headed to my gate, pleased to see so many people in Team USA gear.  I then sat down, where I proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close, as we are about to board.  When I next write (unless I write en route), I will be writing from Rio de Janeiro, where all subsequent entries of this trip (prior to The Return Journey) will be written.  That will be such an unusual experience for me, as will be staying in the same hotel room for so many nights.

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