
“These are the voyages of the traveler Steven. Its five-year mission: to explore the strange world, to seek out life and civilizations, to boldly go where few men have gone before.”

When I set out to see the world, my goal was to check off a bunch of boxes. I set some goals, got a full-time job, added some more goals, learned that taking 50 vacation days a year was not considered acceptable, figured out how to incorporate all of the goals I set, and had at it. My goal was never to explore new cultures, yet that is what these voyages have become. I have started to understand foreign cultures, but I have learned one fundamental truth. Human beings are, for the most part, the same.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Buckeyes and Bourbon - Day 3 - The Return Journey

7/27/15, “The Return Journey”
New York, New York

Technically the trip ended the moment I set foot in my apartment at 8 AM this morning.  I could have opened up my laptop and quickly written the few sentences necessary to close out the trip.  I think my readers know me well enough to know that that is not my style.

After I published last night’s entry, the plan was for me to take over the wheel drive until we left Ohio.  However, well, this isn’t going on Facebook, so I might as well use names, Stuart wanted me to finish going through the receipts so that I could write him a check for what I owed him, since we used his credit card for almost everything.  That took some time, almost an hour, in fact, I think.  Once that was finished, we pulled over, and I took the wheel.

It was now close to 11:30 PM, and I had been up for 17 hours, only having 3 hours of sleep.  Stuart had not gotten much more, and he barely slept on the ride in Friday night.  Connor got some sleep on the ride in, and he got the most sleep of us Saturday night.  We had thought he was sleeping while we were driving, but Stuart’s constant yammering kept him awake.  In other words, it was 11:30 PM, we had 7 hours to our destination, and we were all tired af.

So, the original plan was that we left the restaurant at 9 PM, and Stuart would drive for an hour while I did my entry.  I would then drive from like 10 PM to 12:30 PM, which would give Connor over three hours of sleep.  He would take over the wheel for 3 hours or so, until 3:30 AM, which would give Stuart over 5 hours of sleep, and then he could finish the drive home, which would get me and Connor to work properly rested.  Great plan, right?

“Best-laid plans…”  I almost fell asleep at the wheel, and it was clear I would have trouble making it to midnight.  Connor didn’t get his sleep due to conversation in the front row.  Stuart couldn’t get himself to sleep, even though he was on 4 hours of sleep total in two nights.    Around midnight, we pulled into a gas station, and I changed into my pajamas, giving Connor the wheel.  Tempers were flared at this point.  Connor’s most of all and rightfully so.  Stuart can be very annoying, but I have gotten used to him by now.  Connor not so much.  Connor thought I was being lazy by not doing my share of the driving, but I knew that I was risking an accident by continuing.  Stuart was well, just being Stuart.

After two days of travelling with very little sleep and lots of driving, it was not a good combination.  I woke up close to 2 AM with a very full bladder, and Connor refused to stop on the side of the road.  I waited about ten minutes for a rest stop, and then he told me the next one was in twenty minutes.  I could not wait that long, and I said that I was going to U out the window if he didn’t pull over.  He didn’t stop.  I literally opened the window and was about to make a very unofficial U when we saw an emergency stopping shoulder.  The tempers got a little more frayed.  Connor and Stuart split the driving while I slept in the backseat.  I definitely got the better end of that deal, though I suppose anoher way to look at it was that I paid for Connor’s share of the trip, and he did my share of the driving or something, but still.  It was his birthday present, so he shouldn’t have ended the trip regretting he took it.

It was soon daylight, and we were in New Jersey.  We did not beat rush hour traffic, and it was going to be tight for Connor to get to work by 8 AM.  I had until 9 AM, well 9:07 AM, but I need to shower and change.  Reader, recall I was still in my pajamas.  I packed up my stuff, and Stuart dropped me off half a block from my apartment.  I grabbed all of my stuff, still in my pajamas, and walked back to my apartment.  Connor was about fifteen minutes late to work and I took the full heat for it, knowing that the staff at the cigar shop would understand.

Reader, why did I go into so much detail about that drive, about everyone’s emotions?  I did it for one simple reason.  There is no better way to judge the character of a trip than by examining the return journey.  Is it exhaustion?  Triumph?  Fighting?  Comradery?  That was what this trip was, exhausting and filled with fighting.  When Connor and I did our New Mexico trip together, the return journey (from the restaurant to the airport) was triumphant and relaxed, just like the whole trip.  That was not the case on this trip.  A group trip like this is a very new experience for me, but I hope to repeat such trips in the future.

The only other such trip I can recall was the one to Canada with Sokol and Larsen.  The difference there was that I was financing almost the entire trip.  Here, Stuart and I were equal partners.  Further, Sokol and Larsen are very laid back.  Stuart, not so much.  Connor is laid back, but he has limits, and they were pushed this trip.  Stuart and I will probably go to Pittsburgh next summer, and Connor and I are talking about trips to Delaware and Toronto, but I doubt Connor and Stuart will ever get in the same car together again.  I enjoyed the trip, but it won’t rank anywhere on any of my lists.

Okay, so what happened after I got home?  I lit up a cigar right away, hoping to finish it before work, but it was only halfway done when I got to the cigar store at 9 AM, ready to tell everyone it was my fault Connor was late, but he beat me to the punch.  “He’s the reason I’m late,” Connor said as soon as I walked in.  I agreed with him, and T said that he didn’t doubt it.  I said that I drank about a gallon of diet soda, which necessitated numerous pit stops.  No one cared.  He has had perfect attendance and punctuality so far.  If he was fifteen minutes late from a road trip to celebrate his birthday, it was fine.

I then went to the office, and I did as much as I could throughout the day, my fatigue setting in early afternoon.  I had a dentist appointment to get my cavity drilled, and I had some Chinese food in the fridge from Friday.  I had that for lunch, went to the cigar store to finish my cigar for the morning, then went to the dentist.  My afternoon was not particularly productive, since I was dead tired.  I barely made it to 5:53 PM.  I went to the cigar store to say hi then biked home, lighting up a Cusano Raymond had left at my apartment when I got home.  Don’t try to parse that sentence.  The grammar’s right.  I then proceeded to write this entry, which I will now close, along with closing the trip.  Next stop: Hood River, Oregon for my brother’s wedding.

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